Tuesday, January 29, 2013

bellringer jan. 28th

I believe that is a great idea. If people would give a girl the chance to be president, it might be the change we need. I would vote for her, for sure.

bellringer jan. 14th

I believe they should do whatever it is they feel they need to do. Assualt weapons are dangerous, but not them themselves. The person holding the gun is really the dangerous one.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bath Salts:
         Back in May 2012, a man named Rudy Eugine had eaten a guys face. Reporters had said that he actions were due to him doing bath salts. . Police offers said that he had appeared to be on some hard, hard drugs. They said that bath salts, which is a form of LSD is a very powerful drug that causes normal humans to turn into something powerful that someone should not be able to do.
        "Bath salts combine the worst effects of LSD, the worst effects of crystal meth and the worst effects of PCP,"said by Adams. “People on bath salts have no limitations. They don’t perceive pain. They seem as if they have superhuman strength."...
        Symptoms of stimulant overdose - rapid heart rate, overheating, hallucinations, aggressive behavior. Their blood tests came back clean. No cocaine, no methamphetamine, no LSD, no marijuana, not even the presence of alcohol. He then heard the term bath salts from a local law enforcement.

July 5th Power Outage:

        July 5th, 2012 a storm left plenty of homes without electricity. People forced to leave their homes or set in the dark. Lots of families were left without water, and all their food had went bad. There were older people in high risk due to high tempatures. Some were left without electric from 7-14 days.
       West Virgina was the hardest hit state, out of Ohio, Maryland and more. The storm hit with heavy hail and rain. Winds that were close or above 80 mph. Trees were broke down and some even uprooted out of the ground. 4 million homes were left in the dark for days. Electric workers went days without sleep. When they did get sleep it was for about an hour. They were away from their families and homes while trying to help other people to get electric.

Superstorm Sandy:

       Superstorm sandy bursted the ocean over cities causing flooding and evaquation in larger cities, such as New York and others. Sandy caused a lot of damages and more power outages than any of the states wanted to see. Superstorm sandy caused several deaths and injured many poeple also.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

bellringer 12/18/12

Regardless of his opinion, it's not going to change how people are. People will still continue to kill people no matter if you do that or not.

Monday, December 17, 2012

bellringer 12/17/12




On Friday, a armed guy went into Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults. Taking lives too early must have been his plan. So we set back and take in the tragedy. I feel for the families who lost a loved one during this hard time.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

10/11 bellringer

I seriously think that it shouldn't matter what skin color you have or what you believe in. Everyone has a right to their freedom, and also their education. Nothing should matter, they should all be equal.

10/12 bellringer

I believe Americans who vote might pay more attention to vice president candiates.