Tuesday, December 18, 2012

bellringer 12/18/12

Regardless of his opinion, it's not going to change how people are. People will still continue to kill people no matter if you do that or not.

Monday, December 17, 2012

bellringer 12/17/12




On Friday, a armed guy went into Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults. Taking lives too early must have been his plan. So we set back and take in the tragedy. I feel for the families who lost a loved one during this hard time.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

10/11 bellringer

I seriously think that it shouldn't matter what skin color you have or what you believe in. Everyone has a right to their freedom, and also their education. Nothing should matter, they should all be equal.

10/12 bellringer

I believe Americans who vote might pay more attention to vice president candiates.

10/8 bellringer


I believe that people should be allowed to discuss their work, if they really want to. And they should not be allowed to post things about their work on social media internet sites.

10/15 bellringer

The No Child Left behind is stupid.! There is always a child left behind no matter how hard you try! they're just making themselves look good!

10/16 bellringer

1. Its a very close race for president. I personally want Obama to win

2. They can delete out everyones votes and that's not fair!


Honestly I could care a lot less.

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/4 bellringer

CNN: Romney controlled the debate for the first 30 minutes. He sounded more confident on the things he was discussing than Obama. He discussed the taxes and the people were even leaning more toward Obama in this topic.

Fox News
Romney was very enthusiastic with his side of the debate. He was well prepared. It was very well thought out. Romney thinks Obama does not deserve a second term and hopes to win the election.
  Obama thinks he was hiding things and not saying everything he was planning to do.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bellringer 10/2

What happened to the Justices being "impartial" and upholding the Constitution? Everyone has their personal beliefs but when appointed to one of the most important jobs in the world, there is no room for personal agenda's

Friday, September 28, 2012

social awareness isssue

To Whom It May Concern;

This letter is to CNN. I am coming to you today to raise awarness about gay rights. Looking at me you would not notice or be able to tell my past. When you pass by me on the street you would not believe what I have been through in life. To everyone else I look like a normal person, execpt every person has a story. Everyone's story needs to be told. 

I am an 18 year old girl with a past a lot of people wouldn't be proud of. I have made mistakes. But so hasn't everyone else. But, I am here today to talk about gay rights. The rights of every individual human being. I believe that every single person should be created equal. No matter what. I came out about being gay back in 2006. Knowing how the world is and how cold people can be, I got judged.

The judging didn't bother me. I knew it would come along with the decision I had made. But I was happy that I was being judged for the real me, and not just someone that I was pretending to be. Some days were worse than others. Walking home and being randomly beaten up for the way I am. Looking down a hall and someone staring at me as if I had just murdered someone. It was like the entire world was afraid to be around me. As if I may have had some kind of disease.

It actually was very upsetting to know or at least feel as if I was walking alone in this world. It is not a great feeling. To know that when you can't walk around your own neighborhood without being scared. This world is turning into a dark scary place. A place that I didn't want to be a part of.

I guess the biggest thing about all of this is I just wanted to raise awerness about a gays life. About being so brave that you can come out to a world that is just going to beat you down into the dark. Some people take a brave stand to let people know who they actually are. Just some of them don't really care enough. All they care about is religion. Just remember, I was born gay, you were taught religion.


Casey Burner

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

september 25th bellringer.

I don't believe that you should have to have a parental signature. Because I think every kid is afraid of telling their parents and at least this way they can be safe about what they're doing. I just think there should be a certian age before they just allow ot to happen.

September 21st bellringer

It is silly. Like what was the point in writing it on her van? He could have at least wrote it in a letter to him.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bellringer September 20, 2012

What he did was beyond dumb. There was really no point in putting hidden video cameras all around the house, just so he could spy on his wife. He must have trust issues that really need to be taken care of. Just because they are married doesn't mean anything. It's not like he owns her. If he wanted to know of something that she was doing, he should have asked her and believed her instead of going to this level of immaturity. This really sickens me. He should get in major trouble for this. Because, even though they are married that is invasion of someone else's privacy. It seems so crazy to me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

civivcs assignment 9/17

1. Answer the following question: Why is there a constitution day and what mandated it?

To remember when the Constitution was created and because there were 55 men sent to attend the Constitutional Convention and were assigned the task of revising the Articles of Confederation, instead they drafted a new constitution to replace the Articles.

2. Could you pass the US citizenship test....find five links on the Internet and take the quizzes and post the links and your scores.

3. Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics
You and your teammates have been given a set of clues to identify nine delegates to the Constitutional Convention that was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the summer of 1787. In order to complete your task you need the clues provided by your teacher and podcasts from the Center for Civic Education. The podcasts are available at http://new.civiced.org/framers.

He was one of the founders of the
University of North Carolina.
Name: William R. Davie
State: North Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1756
Two Additional Clues: served in the military, and favored the Great Compromise

He lived in Philadelphia, where he was a
prominent businessman.
Name: Thomas Fitzsimons
State: PA
Age/Year of Birth: 1741
Two Additional Clues: fought in the Revolutionary war, 3 terms in house of representatives

He was called away from the convention
due to family illness.
Name: James McHenry
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1753
Two Additional Clues: studied poetry and medicine, spent time writing after retiring

He came late to the convention and
served on Committee of Postponed
Name: Nicholas Gilman
State: New Hampshire
Age/Year of Birth: 1755
Two Additional Clues: returned home after war to work in father's store, poor attendance in continental congress

He was arrested by the British for
treason, rescued by a group of patriots.
Name: David Brearly
State: NJ
Age/Year of Birth: 1745
Two Additional Clues: fought in Revolutionary War, died at age 45

He served as a missionary among the
Mohawk Indians as a teen.
Name: William Livingston
State: NJ
Age/Year of Birth: 1723
Two Additional Clues: served as Governer from 1776 until his death, graduated from Yale

He was born in North Carolina, but
raised in Ireland and Scotland.
Name: Richard Dobbs Spaight
State: North Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1758
Two Additional Clues: served in state miltia and legislature, attended every session of Philadelphia Convention

He was expelled from the Quaker church
for his military service.
Name: Thomas Mifflin
State: PA
Age/Year of Birth: 1744
Two Additional Clues: attended Philadelphia convention but didn't speak, served 10 years as Governer

He was an older cousin to delegate with
almost the same name.
Name: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
State: South Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1746
Two Additional Clues: educated in England, 1769 returned home to practice law

He served in the British Army until
1771, when he resigned after marrying
a colonial girl.
Name: Pierce Butler
State: South Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1744
Two Additional Clues: served with SC militia in Revolutionary war, spoke often and Philadelphia Convention

He was the chairman of the Committee
on Style.
Name: William Samuel Johnson
State: Conn
Age/Year of Birth: 1727
Two Additional Clues: President of Columbia college, peacemaker

He studied law in Philadelphia.
Name: Richard Bassett
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1745
Two Additional Clues: owned 3 homes in Delaware and Maryland, made no speeches at Philadelphia convention

This delegate took notes at the
Philadelphia Convention.
Name: James Madison
State: Pennsylvania
Age/Year of Birth: Born March 16,1751
Two Additional Clues: American Statesman and political theorist, fourth President of the United States

He practiced in law in Williamsburg.
Name: John Blair
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: Born in 1732
Two Additional Clues: He was actively involved in the colonial resistance to Great Britain, supporting moves to boycott the importation of British goods in reaction to the Townshend Duties. Blair participated in Virginia's constitutional convention of 1776, sitting on a committee to amend George Mason’s declaration of rights and frame the state’s constitution.

He studied law in Philadelphia.
Name: Richard Bassett
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1745
Two Additional Clues: owned 3 homes in Delaware and Maryland, made no speeches at Philadelphia convention

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

civics activity 9/17

80%.... I side with Gary Johnson on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election

civics Bellringer September 18, 2012

Nobody should have a video like that posted. I personally believe that if you are to post something like that you should get into some major trouble. Nobody should have to go through that and people should look over that stuff on major sites.

Monday, September 17, 2012

civics bell ringer and civics game design september 17, 2012

What they done was really wrong. I think they should be majorly punished for what they did. I also think they should say sorry..

civics bell ringer 9-17-2012

They should be allowed to drink what they want. It is their lives and who is anyone to decide what they do? why does it even matter. Drink what you want.. That's all I have to say about it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


How America has changed since 9/11

      How has America changed since that tragic day, eleven years ago on 9/11? Religion is one of very many things that has changed. There are also many other things but I think I will start out with this.
The devastating attacks of 9/11 had a profound impact on the spiritual lives of Americans. Aside from the brief bump in church attendance, the memory of lost lives, heroism and the role religious extremism played in the attacks has forced Americans of all religious backgrounds to reflect on their own beliefs and religious commitments.

We asked our community and bloggers to offer brief reflections on how their religious beliefs have changed in the past 11 years. The range of responses represents the diversity of America, but they are united by the common cause of working together so that the tragedy of 9/11 may never happen again.

Even the airports have changed majorly since that horrific day. Airport security procedures were shaken awake, slapped round the face and forced to undergo a rigorous transformation in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. And the authorities have been playing catch-up ever since, updating and tweaking security screening measures to address subsequent attempted attacks on aircraft using shoes, liquids, printer cartridges and even underwear.

Many other things have changed since that day. Things will never be the same. We are only progressing from it and moving forward. We have prepared ourselves the best that we can and only trying harder to push forward and not back. We grew closer as a nation and will grow fuller as a family.

civics assignment september 10, 2012

  • 7:59 A.M. - American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, departs Boston's Logan International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport.

  • 8:14 A.M. - United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, departs from Boston's Logan International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport.

  • 8:.20 A.M - American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, departs Washington Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport.

  • 8:20 AM : Air traffic controllers suspect Flight 11 has been hijacked.



  • 8:40 A.M. - The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector of the suspected hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11.

  • 8:42 A.M. - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, departs from Newark International Airport bound for San Francisco International Airport.

  • 8:43 A.M. - The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector of the suspected hijacking of United Airlines Flight 175.

  • 8:46 am – Within seconds, NYPD and FDNY forces dispatch units to the World Trade Center:



  • 846 AM: Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Center north tower.

  • 8:47 am -- Port Authority Police Department officers on site begin immediate evacuation of the North Tower

  • 8:52 AM: Two F-15s take off from Otis Air Force Base after Flight 175.

  • 9:03 AM: Flight 175 crashes into the south WTC tower.

  • 9:08 A.M. - The FAA bans all takeoffs of flights going to or through New York airspace.

  • 9:10 AM: Major General Paul Weaver states Flight 77 came back on the (radar) scope at 9:10 in West Virginia.

  • 9:17 A.M. - The FAA shuts down all New York City-area airports.

  • 9:21 A.M. - All bridges and tunnels into Manhattan are closed.



  • 9:24 A.M. - The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector of the suspected hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77.

  • 9:24 AM: The FAA, who 28 minutes earlier had discovered Flight 77 off course and heading east over West Virginia, reportedly notifies NORAD.



  • 9:25 A.M. - The FAA orders shutdown of all airports nationwide, banning takeoffs of all civilian aircraft.

  • 9:28 AM: Air traffic control learns that Flight 93 has been hijacked.



  • 9:38 AM: Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon.

  • 9:43 am - Some 3,300 commercial flights and 1,200 private planes are guided to airports in Canada and the United States over the next two-and-a-half hours.

  • 9:59 AM: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.


  • 10:10 AM: Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania.

  • 10:28 AM: The World Trade Center north tower collapses.

  • 1 pm – From a U.S. Air Force base in Louisiana, President Bush announces that U.S. military forces are on high alert worldwide

  • 5:20 PM: Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses.

  • 6:58 pm – President Bush returns to the White House after stops at military bases in Louisiana and Nebraska.

  • 8:30 pm – President Bush addresses the nation, calling the attacks "evil, despicable acts of terror" and declaring that America, its friends and allies would "stand together to win the war against terrorism

Friday, September 7, 2012

federalist paper #10

1) Who was the author?
- James Madison
2) When was the paper written?
- 1787
3)Who was the audience for this paper?
- The federalists
4) What is a faction?
- A group of citizens
5)What are some examples of factions that excist today?
- Republicans and Democrats
6)How would these two actions harm the American people if the government tried to use them on people?
- There would be constant fighting among the people of America it would be a bad idea .
7)What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
- In a Democracy, the Majority has unlimited power over the Minority. This system of government does not provide a legal safeguard of the rights of the Individual and the Minority. It has been referred to as "Majority over Man".
In a Republic, the Majority is Limited and constrained by a written Constitution which protects the rights of the Individual and the Minority. The purpose of a Republic form of government is to control the Majority and to protect the God-given, inalienable rights and liberty of the Individual.
8)How would a republic control factions according to the author?
- He claimed that the republican form of government created by the new constitution would allow faction.

bellringer 9/5

I think that it is a good idea. that way you know who they actually are and they can't just lie about it.

bellringer 9/4

I think it is quite ridiculous to pay that much for a childs tooth.

civics bell ringer, Aug. 31

i think you should have to have an ID when you go to vote. That way they can make sure who you are.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Civics assignment for August 23, 2012

1. Define the constitution.. In your own words. (3-5 sentences.)

The Constitution defines the Government and places limits on it's power. There are 435 members in the House of Representatives and 100 Senators. It protects our rights. It's purpose was to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new framework of government. It states what the powers of the national government are as well as the powers of the state governments.

2.  How would your life be without the constitution?

Well, one thing the constitution does is it explains the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. If we didn't have the constitution to explain how each of these worked, we would not have the balance of powers between them. Without the balance of powers there would be a definite power struggle with no law of the land to guide us.

3.  define the following words:

Ratification - a state of being.

Federalism - the federal principle of the government.

Federalist / antifederalist

Monday, August 27, 2012

Civics bellringer 8/27/12

I believe that she shod be allowed to wear what her religion requires. Especially because she had made it clear, that she is forbidden to wear mens clothing. They should have respected that, or at least not hired her to begin with. Also, whenever she was sent home for "Not wearing the correct clothing", i believe they should have went about it in a different way than they did. The way it was done, was just rude.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

About me

Casey Danielle is the name. I am 18. A big country girl, And I love to have fun. Friends mean everything to me. Yeah that's it.

Civics Bellringer 8/23/12

Everyone should quit worrying about it. They have bigger and better things to worry about other than him waving the towel. Worry about him running for political office.