Friday, September 28, 2012

social awareness isssue

To Whom It May Concern;

This letter is to CNN. I am coming to you today to raise awarness about gay rights. Looking at me you would not notice or be able to tell my past. When you pass by me on the street you would not believe what I have been through in life. To everyone else I look like a normal person, execpt every person has a story. Everyone's story needs to be told. 

I am an 18 year old girl with a past a lot of people wouldn't be proud of. I have made mistakes. But so hasn't everyone else. But, I am here today to talk about gay rights. The rights of every individual human being. I believe that every single person should be created equal. No matter what. I came out about being gay back in 2006. Knowing how the world is and how cold people can be, I got judged.

The judging didn't bother me. I knew it would come along with the decision I had made. But I was happy that I was being judged for the real me, and not just someone that I was pretending to be. Some days were worse than others. Walking home and being randomly beaten up for the way I am. Looking down a hall and someone staring at me as if I had just murdered someone. It was like the entire world was afraid to be around me. As if I may have had some kind of disease.

It actually was very upsetting to know or at least feel as if I was walking alone in this world. It is not a great feeling. To know that when you can't walk around your own neighborhood without being scared. This world is turning into a dark scary place. A place that I didn't want to be a part of.

I guess the biggest thing about all of this is I just wanted to raise awerness about a gays life. About being so brave that you can come out to a world that is just going to beat you down into the dark. Some people take a brave stand to let people know who they actually are. Just some of them don't really care enough. All they care about is religion. Just remember, I was born gay, you were taught religion.


Casey Burner

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