Thursday, September 13, 2012

How America has changed since 9/11

      How has America changed since that tragic day, eleven years ago on 9/11? Religion is one of very many things that has changed. There are also many other things but I think I will start out with this.
The devastating attacks of 9/11 had a profound impact on the spiritual lives of Americans. Aside from the brief bump in church attendance, the memory of lost lives, heroism and the role religious extremism played in the attacks has forced Americans of all religious backgrounds to reflect on their own beliefs and religious commitments.

We asked our community and bloggers to offer brief reflections on how their religious beliefs have changed in the past 11 years. The range of responses represents the diversity of America, but they are united by the common cause of working together so that the tragedy of 9/11 may never happen again.

Even the airports have changed majorly since that horrific day. Airport security procedures were shaken awake, slapped round the face and forced to undergo a rigorous transformation in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. And the authorities have been playing catch-up ever since, updating and tweaking security screening measures to address subsequent attempted attacks on aircraft using shoes, liquids, printer cartridges and even underwear.

Many other things have changed since that day. Things will never be the same. We are only progressing from it and moving forward. We have prepared ourselves the best that we can and only trying harder to push forward and not back. We grew closer as a nation and will grow fuller as a family.

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